Jet lagged out of my mind, so might as well do some work...
Looks like the markets are going against everyone who is actively trading. The cash holders/non-traders are still in the lead with Dextor and Clark leading once again.
Surprisingly in third place the underdog trrodeli is holding down third place. This is probably a reflection of his diversified portfolio over 4 equities of INTC, BAC, GE and NKE. Having four industry distinct equities may have helped him reduce the volatility in his portfolio.
On a technical picture, it seems GE and BAC are against him short term. While NKE and INTC have potential for breakout stocks (breaking of resistence) to the upside in a short time frame (1-2 weeks). Overall this may leave his portfolio at the same levels as they are now over the next few weeks.
In fourth place Mico has a small amount of capital in NVDA. Overall, on a technical basis NVDA has potential to garner profits, however in the short term it is in mid correction and will be hurting Mico performance in the interim. For the given time frame, if Mico wishes to increase his risk he could invest more in NVDA or create some more tech oriented plays involving peers or competitors.
In fifth place I finally have made a right call in my position correcting itself. 200 SMA is acting as beautiful support. I don't expect this to be a smooth correction. It is tempting to cut my losses now as I have recovered 50%+ of my losses at this point and reassessing new entry points. But in the short term my system analysis is telling me price momentum is to the upside in the short term.
I will try and watch the charts closes and avoiding another trading disaster such as my "C" <-- (click here)> trade from the last game.
It looks like the Dark traders C position is starting to correct itself. Just like my EUR position, entry timing was poor. Both trades could have been vastly improved with more careful technical entry analysis.
Overall, though short term is starting to look attractive. I see prices having room to the upside to 3.72 before encountering resistance. Which means Dark_Trader may recover 100% profits and may make a 7.5% profit. Unfortunately the C position is only about 13% of the value of the portfolio.
His major position of UNG moved further against him from 10.68 (when I last reported) to 10.85 on a short position. However, short term the picture is slowly starting to correct, though I still believe a bit of room to the upside (via RSI). All in all, it is possible he can recover 90% of his trade to the low 10's when UNG corrects, the big question is if he believes prices can break below 50 day SMA. If not perhaps this is a bottom for nat gas? (watch the higher highs). If prices break below support perhaps he can end up in profit though the odds are against him on the technical side or are at least more to the ambiguous side.
So there are your update brief trading technical tips:
Alexander Lê
Analyze Capital LLC
Managing Partner
email: le.alex48@gmail.com
The managing partners are currently abroad extending networks across the UK, Japan, and Eastern Europe.
We apologize ahead of time for the slow responses to blog comments and lack of posts. Though come mid January we will resume the normal schedule and updates.
If there are any urgent matters forward emails to one of the partners:
Analyze Capital LLC
Managing Partners
Alexander Lê: le.alex48@gmail.com
Pat Ambrus: ambrus.anlzgroup@gmail.com
Clark Chu: zhuzihao@googlemail.com
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