Equity Indexes
INDU- 10,172.53 273.28 (+1.25%)
NASDAQ- 2,218.71 59.86 (+2.77%)
SPX- 1,086.84 31.15 (+2.95%)
WTI Crude Oil- $75.48 1.10 (+1.48%)
Brent Crude Oil- $75.40 1.13 (+1.52%)
Natural Gas- $4.699 0.022 (+0.47%)
Gold Spot- $1218.200 -11.700 (-0.95%)
Silver Spot- $18.240 0.051 (+0.28%)
10 Year UST- Price:102.44 (-0.22) Yield: 3.21% (+0.03)
10 Year Gilt- Price:110.01 (-0.50) Yield: 3.52% (+0.06)
10 Year Bund- Price:103.78 (-0.50) Yield: 2.56% (+0.05)
10 Year Oats- Price: 103.74 (+0.11) Yield: 3.05% (-0.01)
10 Year JGB- Price:100.80 (+0.17) Yield: 1.21% (-0.03)
Foreign Exchange
EUR/USD = 1.2110
GBP/USD = 1.4704
USD/JPY = 91.3630
USD/CAD= 1.0308
EUR/JPY = 110.6369
Equity Index Futures
Nikkei 225- 9,590.00 +80.00
Hang Sang- 19,687.00 +143.00
SPI 200 - 4,509.00 +68.00
Today I was in partnership meetings for most of the morning and did not add or subtract any positions from my portfolio. However, my SPX calls continued to rally (over 16.5%!) and I will ride them for a bit longer. Also, my short Nat Gas position did well. Though, my short USO position has not payed off well. I'll keep you posted on that one.
Tonight we have game 4. The Lake Show will dominate once again. To quote the illustrious Jeff Van Gundy "this is a first quarter league." Look for The Black Mamba make frequent trips to the charity stripe early and often.
Related ETF's: United States Oil Fund LP (USO:US), United States Natural Gas Fund LP (UNG:US), United States 12 Month Natural Gas Fund LP (UNL:US)
Patrick M. Ambrus
Managing Partner
Analyze Capital LLC
Twitter: AnalyzeCapital
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